sábado, 19 de julho de 2014


«We assess Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 … was likely downed by a surface-to-air missile, [likely] an SA-11, operated from a separatist location in eastern Ukraine. (...) We cannot rule out technical assistance from the Russians (...) The perpetrators must be brought to justice they must not be sheltered by any member state of the United Nations.» Samantha Power http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10977078/MH17-Evidence-mounts-against-Russian-backed-separatists.html

«We don't want to get ahead of the facts.
But despite the efforts of the Ukrainian government to abide by a ceasefire, this has been rebuffed by the separatists.
They are heavily armed, and heavily trained, and that is happening as a result of Russian support.
A group of separatists cannot shoot down military planes without sophisticated equipment - and that is coming from Russia.
We don't know exactly what happened. We can draw some conclusions, given the missiles which are capable of reaching 30,000ft.
If Mr Putin makes a decision that he is not going to allow the flow of heavy armaments and men across the border into Ukraine, then it will stop.
He has the most control over that situation - and so far he has not exercised it.» Barack Obama, President of United States of America  

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