quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014


«(...) the empty skies above Ukraine following the Malaysia Airlines crash. British Airways, Delta, Lufthansa and Air France have said they are all trying to avoid the area.» THE TELEGRAPH http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10974050/Malaysia-Airlines-plane-crashes-on-Ukraine-Russia-border-live.html

Great shame over incredible war triggered by Russian leaders in Ukraine: more and more victims, crimes against Humanity that must will turn clear to Humankind! An «error» by pro Russian forces armed by Russian forces that wanted eliminate an Ukrainian airplane? Russian leaders don´t control what triggered?

«We said earlier that the Ukrainian security services claimed to intercepted conversations proving that Russia and pro-Russian separatists were responsible for downing MH17. The Kyiv Post has now translated the conversation released by the Ukrainian government.
The first call is reportedly between a Russian military intelligence officer and a separatist commander. On the call, the officer reportedly says: "We have just shot down a plane".

The second call appears to be between two separatists as one examines the scene of the crash, where they appear to learn to their surprise that the flight was a civilian airlines. "It was 100 percent a passenger (civilian) aircraft," one says. "Holy s---! The debris fell right into the yards (of homes)."» THE TELEGRAPH http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10974050/Malaysia-Airlines-plane-crashes-on-Ukraine-Russia-border-live.html

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