sábado, 5 de julho de 2014


«Brazil Montage» (http://www.globalawareness.com/photos-2/photos/brazil-by-painter/)
«Brasil flag» (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/171/6/e/brazil_flag_by_think0-d4755e4.jpg)
Happiness for Brazilian Persons. Sadness for Colombian Persons.

The Brazil football team must win for a lot of reasons: from business dimensions to poltical dimensions ...

Increased the victims of concrete interest: «Overpass bridge under construction collapsed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, one of the host cities for the ongoing World Cup» http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/03/world/americas/brazil-world-cup-overpass-collapse/index.html?iref=obnetwork
http://www.otempo.com.br/polopoly_fs/1.876368.1404424081!image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/main-single-vertical-img-article-fit_300/image.jpgMotorista Hanna Cristina dos Santos, 24, do ônibus S70

«Sorry to disturb you, our country is under construction»
«The people have awakened»
«Pardon the inconvenience, Brazil is changing»
«This is a communal cry saying: ‘We’re not satisfied»

Maria Claudia Cardoso, protester: «We’re massacred by taxes – yet when we leave home in the morning to go to work, we don’t know if we’ll make it home alive because of the violence. We don’t have good schools for our kids. Our hospitals are in awful shape. Corruption is rife. These protests will make history and wake our politicians up to the fact that we’re not taking it any more.»

«For many years the government has been feeding corruption. They spent billions of dollars building stadiums and nothing on education and health.» Graciela Caçador

Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil: «Brazil today woke stronger. The greatness of the demonstrations proved the power of our democracy, the strength of the voice of the streets. It’s good to see so many young people and families together with the flag of Brazil singing the national anthem (...) I’m Brazilian’ and advocating a better country. Brazil is proud of them.»

Portuguese Pavement - Coimbra University in a photo by Manuel Matos (Wikipedia) http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_pavement#mediaviewer/File:Coimbra_jpg.jpg

Liv Nicolsky Lagerblad de Oliveira, protester, victim of the brutality of the police over a Portuguese pavement (calçada portuguesa):
«To get out of there, I signed papers that I do not know exactly what they were (...) The police assaulted me like they assault all protesters. The police are violent and cruel here. The state is violent and cruel here. And the citizen is at their mercy. The city is being gentrified. The poor can no longer afford to live in some favelas and the elite is taking their place. The cost of life is increasing and the increase in bus fare was just the last straw. No state will ever represent me. President Dilma does not represent me even though I voted for her, considering her the least worst of the viable options. (...) I don't agree with the nationalistic thinking that perpetuates itself. I think we are all citizens of the world before belonging to this or that country. (...) I protested peacefully but not passively. My face was plastered in the newspapers meaning I can't go out unscathed now. But I urge everyone else who can go to go. I hope it becomes bigger than any individual.»

Rio police spokesman had said: «There is absolutely no justification for two police officers to behave like this. Now we have to look at the context as well.» http://www.independent.co.uk:http://thewe.cc/thewe_/images_6/---/brazil/military-police-pepper-spray-protester.jpg
Photo by Associated Press photographer Victor R. Caivano

Have shame Dilma and Government of Brazil! Democracy  must respect Persons! We never forget the tyrant government of Turkey with the same kind of atrocities. We never forget the support to tyrants in Venezuela.

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