segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2018


I share with You dear Persons that follow my blog, my book "MAI FRUMOASA" ("MORE BEAUTIFUL") edited by BLURB, available in it Bookstore: 

The site of the book is

It´s an Historic Romance in 6 volumes, with paintings, draws and photos, that begin in year 100 after Jesus Christ in Dacia, actual Romania, in a voyage by the Love versus power (Wagner, Tolkien), manifest in community of Amazons, by Latinity and it Nations! "MAI FRUMOASA" is an hommage to Women in relationship with Men, with the Creation and complex Evolution towards a World more ande more better where will prevail Love and Liberty over tyranny, ignorance and fanaticism. Is also an hommage to History and it dialectic becoming ... and beyond the past ...

Despite was wrote and painted since 2008 until 2018 in English language, the first edition is in Portuguese language, soon in English, Spanish and later Romanian will be available. Longing for Laura Stoica, this book is also an hommage to that great Romanian musician and to her song «Mai Frumoasa»:

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