quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014


How capital go on?
Daniele Nouy from Banque de France to Single Supervisory Mechanism (Photographer: Mark H. Milstein/Bloomberg), here in an interwiew for Financial Times:
«(...) European banks have already made a lot of effort to repair their balance sheets. Euro-area banks have increased their capital ratios (...). Also, a lot of provisions have been made, (...). I think the problem that we are facing is probably insufficient transparency regarding the balance sheets of the European banks. (...)»
«Do you agree with those who say that for the exercise to be credible there have to be failures?» (Financial Times)
«Well, the president of the ECB has said that that was one condition so I will certainly agree {laughs} with what the president of the ECB has said, and it seems precisely what markets expect from such an exercise; so, yes, probably that’s the case. I do not have any idea of how many banks have to fail. What I know is that we want to have the highest level of quality. So, about repairing balance sheets, we want to do whatever has to be done to be safe when you start supervising the significant banks. A failure of a bank may happen: we will have to deal with the national resolution authorities because for the time being there is no single resolution mechanism in Europe». http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/3e0420e2-91a8-11e3-adde-00144feab7de.html#axzz2t9dBjgH6

Europe try to control toxicity to turn more atractive financial system to capital, now with assumption of failures.  

http://specials-images.forbesimg.com/imageserve/0g7ff7v8Ge10E/0x600.jpg%3Ffit%3Dscale%26background%3D000000«I always liked the mathematics and maths methods. Engineering is the edge of applied science. Engineers like to solve problems more than anything and then apply these scientific tools to solve problems.» Leda Braga, Brazylian that wined awards in 2013 and 2012 as the «Most Influential Woman in the European Hedge Fund Industry» has become one of the world’s experts in modeling complex derivatives and “black box” trading at Blue Crest Capital Management after beggining at J.P Morgan.

The mission of an hedge fund is reduce risk (losses or gains) to capital related to potencial profitability, by a balanced investment in different positions by financial instruments like derivatives (futures, options, forwards, swaps), insurance, stocks. The capital flows better by this way but the risks in the financial investment game are high and hedge funds can turn from higher gains to higher losses in it net present values.

This is a financial world that implicate much more attention by all players, like regulators, for reduce risks of games with negative sums.

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