domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Yazidi escape from terrorists and fanatics (

The old Mesopotamia
Land between two rivers
Knew and know so much infamia
With so much infamous drivers - The Institute for the Study of War, The Long War Journal. The Washington Post. Published on June 11, 2014

1973 Oil crisis
1979 The fall of shah of Persia, the rise of tyrant Saddam Hussein in Iraq, oil crisis
1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war
1988 Genocide of Kurds by Iraq
1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, oil price shock
1990-1991 Persian Gulf war
2003-2011 Iraq war
2003 Rise of Edrogan in Turkey (that emerge as tyrant along the years of power)
2011-2014 Shia predominated over Sunni in government of Iraq with very badly consequences
2011 War begun in Syria and government of Turkey support the opponents of Syrian government 
2013 More moderation in politic power in Iran
2013-2014 Rise of Sunni terrorists in Syria and Iraq turned enemies of all parts with atrocities against Yazidis and other minorities in 2014; After change it policy about Syria and Iran in 2013, USA begun an intervention in Iraq support Kurdish forces in 2014; fall of government leaded by Shia biased action; pressure over Turkey for change it politics  

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