terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2014


«Map: Europe from the Russian Perspective» DER SPIEGEL (http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/bild-961696-675438.html)
«Graphic: Military strenghts of Eastern European NATO members» DER SPIEGEL (http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/schaeuble-compares-putin-moves-in-crimea-to-policies-of-hitler-a-961696.html)

«(...) then of course some armed bands would seek to take power. (...) The Russians would then say they can't accept that, that they are threatening our Russian population. Now we have to protect them, and that is our reason for invading.»

«Hitler already adopted such methods in Sudetenland (...) That's something that we all know from history. (...) At some point the situation escalated and then Putin said, 'I actually always wanted Crimea anyway.
And the current opportunity is the right one".» Wolfgang Schäuble DER SPIEGEL http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/schaeuble-compares-putin-moves-in-crimea-to-policies-of-hitler-a-961696.html

Like Hilary Clinton, Wolfgang Schäuble, very well, link Russian leaders praxis about East Europe with Hitler praxis of tyranny in East Europe with the same arguments of defence of Russian (German) persons, with support and cumplicity of Russian leader, the tyrant Stalin. These monsters triggered forces of destruction, tyranny, ignorance and fanaticism. Like Hilary Clinton, is obvious that the German minister don´t compare the actual Russian leader with the monsters, compare the same kind of strategy to take control over a region of an indepedent country. We agree completely with Clinton and Schäuble.

In this sense the General Assembly of United Nations adopted on March 27, 2014 the Resolution 68/262 entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine" supported by 100 countries, 59,17% of votes (green): recognize Crimea within Ukraine’s international borders and the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.

File:UN Resolution regarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine.svg

«Map regarding the United Nations General Assembly vote about the territorial integrity of Ukraine, voted on March 27, 2014.» B1mbo (Wikipedia) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
   In favour
   Non member

Voted against the resolution: 

North Korea (horrible tyranny) 
Bolivia (anti USA, populism)
Venezuela (horrible tyranny and populism) 
Cuba (tyranny supported by USSR, anti USA)  
Nicaragua (anti USA, populism) 
Syria (Russia protect Syrian autocracy)
Armenia (Russians protected Armenians against Otoman Empire)
Belarus (autocracy) 
Zimbabwe (horrible tyranny)  

Brazil have one more time a grey external polycy option: abstention! Incredible!

We will never forget the tyranny over East of Europe by USSR and III Reich coligated and as enemies. USSR support the rise and the fall of III Reich with horrible consequences for all Europe!

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