domingo, 9 de março de 2014

MULHER II - MULIER II - WOMEN II / UCRÂNIA IX - UCRAINA IX - UKRAINE IX / VENEZUELA VI - VENETIOLA VI - VENEZUELA VI!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/manila.jpgVenus (Roman goddess of Love) symbol in the month of Mars (Roman god of War) created by Persons in Manila, Philipines in celebration of the International Women´s Day in March 8, 2014 (
The New York Times cover of March 7, 2014: «Crimea (...)»

Imperial Russia: _ "I´m only trying to Put in my hands over Crimea ..., I´m a bear you know ..."
Humanity: "Put out your hands over Crimea!"

«During a protest against Putins intervention in Crimea 2 FEMEN sextremist, citizens of France, were severally beaten by pro russian activists and arrested by unknown. During an action they expressed ["STOP PUTIN WAR"] and demanded from him to step back from sovereign Ukraine.
FEMEN action took place during the parliament gathering. The parliament of bandits and marionettes were deciding about connection of Crimea to Putin's Russia.
Occupation of Ukraine by Putin after a triumph of Ukrainians over dictator Yanukovich is an act of Czar who is fearing to lose his powerful status as his muppet did. (...)»

«(...) the steps taken by the legitimate leadership of Crimea are based on the norms of international law and aim to ensure the legal interests of the population of the peninsula.» Kremlin statement ( Incredible!
Putin with a strange reaction face to a Femen demonstrator that criticize him political praxis in a German cars exposition with the presence of Angela Merkel!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/new-york-city.jpg
United Nations Women for Peace annual «March in March» to end violence against women in celebration of the International Women´s Day in March 8, 2014 in New York (
« Hundreds of women in protest against scarcity, insecurity and repression »

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