quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013


«Yes, Prime Minister» Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn (2013) http://www.yesprimeminister.co.uk/ (Claire Sutton played by Zoe Telford)

«Passos Coelho: tem-se diabolizado o FMI» Rosa Pedroso Lima (www.expresso.pt) 25 de março de 2011
«Na primeira entrevista após a demissão do Governo socialista, o líder do maior partido da oposição veio à televisão dizer que a queda do Executivo era inevitável dada a "falta de confiança" do Estado português junto das instituições internacionais e os mercados financeiros. Mais ainda, afirmou Pedro Passos Coelho o Governo tinha perdido a confiança das forças políticas por se ter "comportado com deslealdade".

Passos Coelho acusou José Sócrates de ter estado "3 semanas a negociar com uma missão da Comissão Europeia e do Banco Central Europeu" sem dar disso conta ao Presidente da República, ao Parlamento e aos parceiros sociais. Por isso, admite que "se o Governo não tivesse apresentado a sua demissão, o PSD teria apresentado uma moção de censura".
"O Governo foi digno de censura", disse o líder do PSD, considerando que o primeiro ministro "interpretou bem o que o Parlamento lhe disse" e por isso "demitiu-se".
Para além das críticas ao Governo e ao primeiro-ministro socialista, Pedro Passos Coelho fugiu às perguntas mais directas sobre a actual situação do País nomeadamente todas as que se referiam às medidas concretas que o PSD pretende adoptar como forma de combate à dívida pública. Insistindo apenas na necessidade de "ser o Estado a dar o exemplo" e de "cortar na despesa pública" antes de avançar para cortes nos salários e nas pensões mais baixas. A hipótese de um aumento de impostos  - e do IVA em particular - acabou por ser habilmente evitada por Passos Coelho.
"Estamos a ultimar um compromisso a oito anos para o País", disse ainda o líder do PSD que admite concorrer às eleições com o objectivo  de "lutar por uma maioria absoluta". No entanto, tal "não invalida levar para o Governo outros partidos e outras personalidades", disse ainda, abrindo a porta a coligações pós-eleitorais.
A eventual vinda do FMI foi, naturalmente, outro dos pontos abordados na entrevista conduzida pela jornalista Clara de Sousa. Para Passos Coelho "tem-se diabolizado a questão do FMI porque o primeiro-ministro a tornou uma questão de honra do Estado", disse na SIC, sublinhando que "Portugal faz parte do FMI" e que o organismo "existe para ajudar os países a superar crises de financiamento". "Isso já aconteceu anteriormente", sublinhou.» Expresso http://expresso.sapo.pt/passos-coelho-tem-se-diabolizado-o-fmi=f640148

Prime minister wanted so very much Troika in 2010 and 2011 and now with him stingy power coming soon as possible to the end, said this:

«O senhor ex-ministro Vítor Gaspar disse um dia a propósito de declarações idênticas da senhora Lagarde que havia alguma hipocrisia institucional nestas instituições e não posso deixar de dizer, o sr. professor Vítor Gaspar estava cheio de razão» - Passos Coelho - the great hypocrite talk about hypocrisy ... and try so many times turn a hiper crisis in a hypo crisis, turn a decrease in a increase ...

2015 wait for you with election!

About IMF always the same things, the same errors, the same negative culture!

Press Briefing by Gerry Rice, Director, Communications Department, International Monetary Fund (http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2013/tr121213.htm)

Washington, D.C.
Thursday, December 12, 2013

QUESTIONER: Thank you. Ms. Lagarde acknowledged once again two days ago that there were mistakes in the first program regarding Greece, but she also admitted something else: that the people in Greece find it really hard to pay their own debts. What is your comment?
MR. RICE: Well, you know, in a way this is an old story that we’ve discussed many times here in this briefing room. So, you know, as we’ve said repeatedly reasonable macroeconomic assumptions were made at the onset of the first Greek program, so going back in history to May 2010. And these assumptions were rapidly updated as events unfolded.
The current program, so the new program different from the first program, has already been changed in response to various developments, indeed, at the urging of the IMF. And the program now incorporates a lower amount of total fiscal adjustment and a longer period of fiscal adjustment. In addition, as you know, Greece has sought and has received debt relief.
If you’ll allow me, I’d also like to say because I know that this same question is being asked, for example, in Portugal, that the same is true in the sense that reasonable assumptions were made at the beginning of the program in Portugal and changes, adjustments have been made as the program has progressed; in Portugal, for example, where the fiscal deficit targets under the program were relaxed, in order to strike a balance between the impact of austerity on growth and the need for fiscal adjustment, and is the case in Greece, to try and restore growth and jobs, which is the overall objective.

So maybe just to sum up, the Fund’s fiscal advice on fiscal adjustment remains pragmatic, consistent. It is necessary in countries with high debt burdens and limited recourse to financing, which is the situation in which both Greece and Portugal find themselves now.»

«QUESTIONER: I wanted to ask you, how does the IMF review recent developments in Romania regarding the (inaudible) the contract has with the IMF, and when would an IMF mission go to Romania to speak with Romanian authorities?
MR. RICE: Thank you. Just maybe stepping back, during the recent mission, the IMF staff team agreed, subject of course as always to the discussion and approval of our executive board, they came to an agreement with the Romanian authorities on the policies needed to conclude the first review and the Romanians stand by the arrangement with the fund, including policies on the fiscal deficit. Now, we’re aware of President Traian Basescu’s disagreement with the government over the specific measures to be used to reach this fiscal target. We are monitoring those developments closely of course, and awaiting a decision by the authorities on whether they would wish to modify the policies needed to secured the agreed deficit target, again before the policy package would then be submitted to our executive board for approval.
We trust that the authorities remain committed to fully implement the key elements of the agreements so that the first review of the SBA can be completed. I do not have a time for you on the return of the mission.
QUESTIONER: Are you expecting first for Romania to have budget for 2014, and then the mission would come to Romania, or —

MR. RICE: I wouldn’t want to get into the specific sequencing details, and would like to leave it where I described it to you.»

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