domingo, 23 de novembro de 2014


Stupid war that stolen liberty and lives of Human beings in the name of the stupid power, forces against forces, violences that generated more violences in games of negative sum for Humanity. The self defence was the only way to Kurdish Persons that opened the support of Humanitary forces with an incredible position of  Turkish political leaders.

«Several weeks ago, it looked like Kobane would fall, but it is now clear that it will not (...) IS controls more than half of the town but is unable to advance further» Romain Caillet
The heroism of Wo(men) won the help of the only power that save Europe from Hitler and Stalin and could save Humanity from negative forces of destruction, despite all errors (interest) of it phalcons: United States of America, a country of Liberty that have Persons of all countries of World!

Brutal and desctructive energy
Over Persons of a city
That resisted to hypocrisy
And to a fatal destiny

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