sábado, 24 de maio de 2014


We waiting for free elections ...

«We understand that the people of Ukraine want their country to emerge from this crisis. We will treat their choice with respect (...) It would have been better to hold a referendum and adopt a new constitution. Under the current constitution Yanukovych is still in power.» President of Russia, Putin

Shame over Russian leaders and them games oof power, shame over an Ukranian unity of control: the negative forces have one more victim. God bless her.

«Elena Ott, de 42 años, fue asesinada en Starovarvarovka, Ucrania, cuando el coche en el que viajaba fue tiroteado por las fuerzas del Ejército ucraniano.» http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/05/16/album/1400265844_749692.html#1400265844_749692_1400267128- photo by Brendan Hoffman (Getty Images)

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