domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2014


CDS parliamentary swallowed one more frog froom it horrible political partner (PSD) in the name of what?

Forced votes by members of Portuguese Parliament and supporters of Portuguese Government create finnally reactions for more than one deputy. About a crucial question for the future of Portugal? About over taxes that still over Families? No. About a question of a lobby with influence over deputies that implicate a lot of time of them limited disponibility. With crisis without a real answer was the same lobby, the same time losted in 2009 and 2010 in a not Nacional priority and very polemic question! But in 2010 lobby win with the votes of the majority of members of Parliament without the wanted actual extension of the pack. Now, for escape for a polemic votation, the incredible leadership of PSD manipulate referendum that was not proposed for overtaxes to closeup the hoopholes created by political society, state and banks!!!
Teresa Leal Coelho (PSD) presented her demision of vice president of parliamentary group ...
«A minha intenção era votar contra esta iniciativa, mas houve outras orientações na bancada do CDS. Para que não haja quem considere deslealdade parlamentar, conformei o meu voto em relação a algo que não acredito e que considero uma iniciativa lamentável» Teresa Caeiro (CDS)
«Anuncio que apresentarei uma declaração de voto dando conta do grave precedente que constitui esta votação. A minha intenção era votar contra» Francisca Almeida (PSD)
«Assistimos a um caso de ´bullying´ político ao qual nunca tinha assistido em democracia representativa (...) um triste dia para a democracia representativa (...) à força da disciplina de voto.» «Um referendo numa lógica de toda a gente decidir quais são os direitos fundamentais de uma minoria é um referendo que contraria a própria lógica referendária numa sociedade amiga dos direitos humanos. Não se referendam direitos humanos de minoria» Isabel Moreira (PS)

This vision of representation is very confortable for political parties and some minorities with influence but badly for the Nation: representatives received millions of blank sheets of paper signed to do all they wanted by the majority of members of Parliament? The resultant are a disaster, more than two hundred thousands of millions € of public debt! Represented Persons paid all by taxes without a deep reform of polital society and state! Who defende them?

If members of Parliament don´t vote with freedom is time to change this game of representation, for example by these ways:
- First of all representatives need a direct vote of represented;
- Represented could vote in persons of different lists (of political parties or mouvements);
- Representatives have a self programme linked to the programme of list, of the political party or mouvement;
- Representatives could have freedom of vote;
- Representatives could lost the representation if don´t respect them programme like the Government.
- Represented could control the application of elective programmes by referendum as a pression over it realization by representatives and Goverment.

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