segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2013

«Members of Christian Social Union (CSU), sister party to Christian Democrats (CDU), react as they watch exit polls in Munich, September 15, 2013.»
REUTERS/Michael Dalder
«Opposition Social Democratic (SPD) party members react as they learn that liberal FDP reached about 3 percent in exit polls in Munich, September 15, 2013.»
REUTERS/Michaela Rehle

All is open to Federal elections ...

Freistaat Bayern, Free State of Bavaria ... 

Bavarian, Baiuvarii «Men of Baia» homeland of the Celtic Boii. Bavaria is a region north of the Alps, part of the Roman provinces of RAETIA and NORICUM. After Roman withdrawal late in the 5th century, the Celtic Boii, Romans, Marcomanni, Allemanni, Quadi, Thuringians, Goths, Scirians, Rugians, Heruli create the roots of the modern Bavaria.
«Bayern nach der Teilung 1392» Lencer (Wikipedia) Creative Commons (
«Blick auf die Walhalla von Süden» photo by Tedbi (Wikipedia)
File:Walhalla Halle1.jpg
File:Walhalla Halle4.jpg
«Innenansicht Walhalla (Empore)» and «Innenansicht Walhalla (Marmorbüsten, in der Mitte von Sophie Scholl)» photos by Michael J. Zirbes (Wikipedia) Creative Commons ( heroine Sophia Magdalena Scholl (9 May 1921 – 22 February 1943) «was a German student and revolutionary, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. She was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich with her brother Hans.» Wikipedia

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