sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013


File:ICC member states.svg

   States which have signed but not ratified the Statute
   UN member states which have neither signed nor acceded to the Statute
«A map of parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court» - Danlaycock (Wikipedia)

Torture is one of the horrible manifestations of tyranny, ignorance and fanaticism. History have a deep shame oof all atrocities commited against Human Beings.

But we have torture in democratic societies also. The former Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates will launch a book, «Confiança no Mundo», «Confidence in the World», with this theme (October 23, 2013)

Stangely, or not, Maria Luís Albuquerque, Portuguese Minister of Finances used the same word for talk about what Government don´t want do with Portuguese Persons:
«Temos uma restrição financeira que ainda é muito severa (...) este conjunto de medidas difíceis vai permitir-nos alcançar as metas (...)
Não é intenção do Governo torturar os portugueses (...)
Nós reporemos os salários tão cedo quanto possível e reporemos as pensões tão cedo quanto possível, mas atendendo a que o país está numa circunstância muito difícil e que a recuperação será ainda lenta, não  podemos comprometer-nos a fazê-lo já no próximo ano (...)
Do nossos ponto de vista são claramente constitucionais. Consultámos constitucionalistas e temos fundamentações económicas (...)
(...) há ainda um trabalho importante a fazer. Nós estamos a  fazer esse caminho. Ainda assim não temos a possibilidade de reduzir os recursos no Estado, como uma empresa privada (...)
Somos afetados como todos os outros, sou funcionária pública. Tenho três filhos pequenos, as despesas são maiores e as receitas mais pequenas (...).
Nós não sabemos quais as exigências para um programa cautelar, para o caso português isso nem sequer foi discutido, ao contrário da Irlanda.
(...) a coesão política e social é um ativo muito importante para a confiança no nosso país» 

This Portuguese Government use the potential and limited power between four years to punish the Portuguese Persons for responsabilities linked to Political Society and big groups (internal or external) that created the present situation. More, Government don´t solve the problem that create the conditions for it existence (the majority of votes in 2011 elections gave by the same Persons), worst, create more problems, complicated the problem!  

The self admirateur former Prime Minister Sócrates said about himself that he is «o chefe democrático que a direita sempre quis ter! Tenho algumas características que a direita acha que são de direita. E não são!» (interview that Expresso will publish in next edition). This kind of Democracy seems a dictatorship between four years, is not the Democracy that countries need: the question is not decided with determination by a leader, but is decided very well in the defence of the well being of the Persons, of the Nations, of the World!

pussy riot detainee accuses russian authorities of imposing illegal isolationFrom Russia arrived bad news about Tolokonnikova that wrote in a statement: 
«I want to make a declaration to everyone who has a role in making the decision to put me in isolation (...) If you think that without contact with my friends I will become amenable and open to compromise, and go back on the views I have formed about Mordovia's camps during my time in jail, then you are horribly mistaken.»

«Since Soviet times, the camps of Mordovia have served as the final instrument for the authorities to use in the hope of breaking the will of political prisoners who did not repent in mindless and illegal court cases," wrote Tolokonnikova. "And I am doing everything in my power to take away this torture instrument from our state … I am pleased that I can in some way change the situation in Mordovia's camps today, in order to prevent torture and deaths.»

After Tolokonnikova wrote in a letter communicated by her lawyer Violetta Volkova: «I confess - yes, I am afraid for my life. Because I don't know what will happen to me tonight. What the butchers of the Mordovia prison service will decide to do to me»


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