Vice minister Paulo Portas laughing, minister of Finances Maria Luís Albuquerque smiling, prime minister always by the same way, right to the deep depression by a deep devaluation of Portugal! In the worst scenario this masquerade will finish in 2015 with legislative elections: "obviamente serão demitidos", what Humberto Delgado would said to the authocrat Salazar, if was President of Republic, if the dictatorshop didn´t make a big tramp in election of 1958. But until that time ...
«Lamento que não tenha havido uma maioria no Parlamento para apoiar o novo pacote de medidas (...) correcto (...) corajoso. Estou grata a Sócrates» Angela Merkel, Chanceler da Alemanha, 24-03-2011
Portugal falled ... Troika rised ... but the only good side of the external intervention don´t come: a deep State reform!
In an incredible policy of devaluation, Government and Troika only do general cuts over Nation in a long game with Constitutional Court that only protect public employees and pensions.
A big fire was launched over Portugal with a lot of innocent victims that don´t have any responsability in the big errors of the Political Society.
Like the heroines and heroooes, Firewomen and Firemen victims of last summer fires, Portuguese Persons support more than two years of continuos acts of arsonists!
Today CGTP linked to PCP that helped the rise of actual Government organize a demonstration but don´t have the adhesion of a lot of persons that know very well what comunists leaders are: stalinists! The media don´t have a great demonstration to show in Lisbon.
The crucial question is that without a deep State reform all good public employers and pensionists support a minority of bad employers and pensionists that don´t have merit for the received income. Portugal must separate the Persons that contribute or contributed to Value creation and the persoons that don´t, included many politicians with pensions ... Policies must be oriented to the Value creation by Companies and Families!
Cassandra help us always to understand what happened in Europe and in Portugal ...
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