quinta-feira, 27 de julho de 2017


An European and Middle Eastern historical voyage by Theo Deutinger, Filip Cieloch and Lucia de Usera: «Independence Day» http://td-architects.eu/projects/show/independence-day/#

The rectangle of Portugal was founded in 1249 when leaded by Afonso III, conquer Algarve. The limes, the frontiers still quite the same until now, with exceptions like Olivenza, stolen by Spain and despite it international duty of respect the right of Portugal, take the land as a Spanish land.

Portugal is an exception in Europe, the majority of countries have it frontiers since less centuries... the work give to us a point of view of problems not solved yet... because the roots of many frontiers were the brutal force without respect for Nations... 

segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2017


Poland, a big victim of tyrants of nazism and stalinism in the past, change by legislative power, it democracy, with concentration of judicial power in executive power. A shame in European Union. The Polish demonstrator said all, with a flower that symbolize Liberty is forced by the forces of executive power...

segunda-feira, 17 de julho de 2017


16 of July was an historical day for Venezuela and for Democracy:

«(...) con 95% de las actas escrutadas, que durante la consulta popular “El Pueblo Decide” que se realizó este domingo participaron  7.186.170 personas.
(...) de esa cifra 6.492.381 personas acudieron a los puntos soberanos ubicados en el territorio nacional, mientras que en el exterior lo hicieron 693.789.
(...) resultados de cada una de las tres preguntas: la primera obtuvo 6.387.854  (98,4%) para el Sí y 8.440 (0,13%) el No, la segunda 6.393.048 (98,5%) Sí y 7.791 (0,12%) para el No y  el Sí obtuvo 6.384.607 (98,3%) en la tercera, mientras que el No sacó 9.089 (0,14%).» http://www.unidadvenezuela.org/2017/07/pueblo-decidio-7-186-170-venezolanos-expresaron-rechazo-la-constituyente/
These are the questions of the popular consult:
"¿Rechaza o desconoce la realización de una Asamblea Constituyente propuesta por el presidente Nicolás Maduro sin la aprobación del pueblo venezolano?".
"¿Demanda a la Fuerza Armada y todos los funcionarios públicos obedecer y defender la Constitución de 1999 y respaldar a la Asamblea Nacional?".
"¿Aprueba que se proceda a la renovación de los poderes públicos de acuerdo a lo establecido en la Constitución y a la realización de elecciones libres y transparentes, así como la conformación de un Gobierno de unidad nacional para restituir el orden constitucional?".

sábado, 15 de julho de 2017


Roots of Confœderatio Helvetica

Celts, the Helvetii (probably means rich in land), defeated by Roman forces leaded by Julius Caeser in 58 before Christ, must stop there migration and must return to them lands with the status of allies to fight German tribes.


By Marco Zanoli (sidonius (talk) 22:00, 2 January 2009 (UTC)) - Own work; Karte nach: Drack/Fellmann, Die Römer in der Schweiz, Stuttgart 1988. Auf Seite 31., CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5649811

AUGUSTA RAURICA in the Rhine limes... founded in 44 before Christ... point of circulation between the High Rhine and the Low Rhine, along limes...


By � Codrin.B / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27863155


By The original uploader was Andrei nacu at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6031457


Por Wladyslaw - Obra do próprio, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3207195


CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=65144


Por Roland Zumbühl (Picswiss), Arlesheim (Commons:Picswiss project) - [1]. If this link does not work (URLs are subject to changes), you can find the picture starting from the canton of the subject: http://www.picswiss.ch/geo.html then the location., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1211217

sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017


À la orden de la tirania
Con cascos nazis
Atrapada Democracia
Alla no es Paris

La niña es la Liberdad
Necesita de solidaridad
Frente a las fuerzas brutales

sábado, 8 de julho de 2017


The dictator and tyrant Erdogan is not an allied is an enemy of Humanity!

UN urges Turkey to release activists, says rights defenders must not be silenced


Los estudiantes universitarios ratificaron su participación en el plebiscito convocado para el próximo 16 de diciembre, asumirán la responsabilidad de informar a todos los venezolanos y prestarán apoyo para la logística.
“Nos sumamos al Movimiento Libertador, que estará encabezado por los distintos sectores sociales del país. Como estudiantes jugaremos un papel fundamental de aquí al 16 de julio”, expresó Rafaela Requesens, presidente de la Federación de Centros Universitarios de la UCV.
Explicó que además actuarán como movilizadores y promotores. “Llevaremos el mensaje en asamblea de vecinos y en las calles de todo el país”, informó.
Carlos Bonucci, secretario de la FCU-UCV, notificó que se encuentran realizando gestiones para que los espacios de la universidad también sean habilitados como centros de votación en el proceso en que los venezolanos podrán expresar su aprobación o no a la constituyente solicitada por Nicolás Maduro, así como también acompañar las iniciativas de la Asamblea Nacional para la remoción de los funcionarios que presiden instituciones públicas, que acentúan la ruptura del orden constitucional.


Turkish army forces (R), and Kurdish YPG fighters (L). Photo: Jinda Ibrahim/ARA News

ARA News
«ARA News Kurdish officials have called on the international coalition to stop Turkey’s military operation against Rojava-Northern Syria.
The Syrian Kurds say that the operation, which targets Afrin (Efrîn) District, could imperil the ongoing Raqqa campaign.
Sihanok Dibo, a senior official in the Democratic Union Party (PYD), said on Thursday that Turkey and its proxy forces had been bombing Afrin in order “to disrupt liberation of Raqqa.”
The Kurdish official added that ending Turkey’s aggression was “the responsibility of the international coalition.”
Sharvan Darwish, a spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), echoed Dibo in a statement, calling on the world to stop Turkish aggression.
“For years, we’ve been fighting the terrorists with our lives & blood!” he said. “[The] world should take a stand against Turkish occupying aggression around Efrin.”
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak said on Wednesday that the SDF should be cleared out of the Afrin to ensure the security of Azaz, Maree, Al-Bab and Idlib.
“The problem in the region is the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party and Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), their control over Afrin and the establishment of a Russian base there,” Kaynak told the media in Kahramanmaraş.
A Kurdish journalist in Afrin told ARA News that Russian forces remain in Afrin District, and that while there was Turkish shelling yesterday,  the region was relatively quiet today.
The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have said they will respond to any Turkish aggression with force.
According to the Kurdish news agency ANHA, the Turkish Army and its proxies have issued warnings to Kurdish villages near Til Rifaat in Aleppo Governorate, ordering them to evacuate within two days.
The Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta news organization reported that Kurdish forces are counting on Moscow to respond to another Turkish military campaign aimed at seizing Afrin.
Syrian Kurds suspect that there is a deal being hatched between the Syrian government, Moscow and Ankara. Under its terms, the parties would isolate Afrin, and allow Turkey to attack Kurdish communities in northwestern Syria.
According to Russian experts, the weakening of the Kurds in Afrin benefits both Ankara and Damascus.
“There are enough forces to hold up its defense,” explained Anton Mardasov, Head of the Department of Middle Eastern Conflicts at the Institute for Innovative Development. “Turkey’s previous attempts with the help of the Syrian opposition failed. Now the question is, what forces can they attract.”
Reporting by: Wladimir van Wilgenburg | Source: ARA News»


Imagem relacionada1979: the disco sound prevail in the end of 70´s... AMANDA LEAR with «Fashion Pack (Studio 54)» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klzzOfCZU98 have success... STEVIE WONDER create a so beautiful song «Send one Your Love» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYfgyH8Swlw (here a live performance in Rio de Janeiro - 2011) and the world come quickly for the return of liberalism after decades of a strong intervencionism of State to save capitalism of a rupture... after the excesses of statism, the liberal illusion have an objective space to reapper. Conservatives with Margaret Thatcher in United Kingdom win the representative power and in 1981 with the election of Ronald Reagan in United States of America, liberalism have a strong support to it rise...

Before in Chile after the rise of dictator Pinochet (1973), the School of Chicago by Milton Friedman
formation of the acultured «Chicago Boys», in 1975 could have it chance to application of liberal pack, supported in neoclassical point of view.

With Reagan administration economic policy become «supply side economics»

Thatcher stop Labour conservative point of view and implement a neoliberal economic policy...

Today we can see clear that statism and liberalism is not the dilema, we must have economic policies that trancend both...

Liberalism is freedom for the strong crach the weak... Statism is freedom for State cut the freedom of Society...

Image: «Ice Age» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_nSwh2WjAM

quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017


Muito mais vale uma gerigonça
Do que amigos da onça
Mas cuidado com o Estado
Que não foi reformado-modernizado

A dívida pública continua brutal
E o défice baixou pelas despesas de capital
São as exportações que nos fazem crescer
Há que substituir importações, desenvolver

Há que aprofundar a Democracia
E transcender o status quo e a oligarquia

It´s much more valuated a widget*
Than friends of the panthera onca **
But be careful with State
That was not reformed and modernized

The public debt still brutal
And the deficit decreased by expenses of capital
The exports trigger growing
We should replace imports, develop

We need a deeply Democracy
And transcend status quo and oligarchy

* popular expression of the support in Parliament by all left wing to the actual Government of Portugal
** popular expression with roots from Brazil that means a false or bad friend (the former government of Portugal, that after elections have a policy much more different that the policy defended before elections by the political parties of Parliament support)
