Muito mais vale uma gerigonça
Do que amigos da onça
Mas cuidado com o Estado
Que não foi reformado-modernizado
A dívida pública continua brutal
E o défice baixou pelas despesas de capital
São as exportações que nos fazem crescer
Há que substituir importações, desenvolver
Há que aprofundar a Democracia
E transcender o status quo e a oligarquia
It´s much more valuated a widget*
Than friends of the panthera onca **
But be careful with State
That was not reformed and modernized
The public debt still brutal
And the deficit decreased by expenses of capital
The exports trigger growing
We should replace imports, develop
We need a deeply Democracy
And transcend status quo and oligarchy
* popular expression of the support in Parliament by all left wing to the actual Government of Portugal
** popular expression with roots from Brazil that means a false or bad friend (the former government of Portugal, that after elections have a policy much more different that the policy defended before elections by the political parties of Parliament support)
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