sábado, 8 de julho de 2017


Imagem relacionada1979: the disco sound prevail in the end of 70´s... AMANDA LEAR with «Fashion Pack (Studio 54)» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klzzOfCZU98 have success... STEVIE WONDER create a so beautiful song «Send one Your Love» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYfgyH8Swlw (here a live performance in Rio de Janeiro - 2011) and the world come quickly for the return of liberalism after decades of a strong intervencionism of State to save capitalism of a rupture... after the excesses of statism, the liberal illusion have an objective space to reapper. Conservatives with Margaret Thatcher in United Kingdom win the representative power and in 1981 with the election of Ronald Reagan in United States of America, liberalism have a strong support to it rise...

Before in Chile after the rise of dictator Pinochet (1973), the School of Chicago by Milton Friedman
formation of the acultured «Chicago Boys», in 1975 could have it chance to application of liberal pack, supported in neoclassical point of view.

With Reagan administration economic policy become «supply side economics»

Thatcher stop Labour conservative point of view and implement a neoliberal economic policy...

Today we can see clear that statism and liberalism is not the dilema, we must have economic policies that trancend both...

Liberalism is freedom for the strong crach the weak... Statism is freedom for State cut the freedom of Society...

Image: «Ice Age» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_nSwh2WjAM

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