domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016

SÍRIA II/ SYRIA II/ SYRIA II!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/syria-crisis.jpg situation in the Syrian Civil War as of February 8, 2016»
«The ethno-religious composition of Syria»
A stupid and complex chess game over heterogenous Syria created so much suffering of so much Persons in a vicious circle of the violence of not balanced powers with a lot of incredible positions from all players

The tyrant and terrorist Erdogan guilty of war in Syria said to United States of America (USA):
“Are you on our side or the side of the terrorist P.Y.D. and P.K.K. organizations?”

Kurds are the only hope for Humanity and USA representatives know very well the hell of evil forces and support the Kurdish heroines and heroes for Humanity. God bless America!

The problem is the big errors of the past and the ambiguity related to Turkish tyrants that created a sttrong opportunity to a strong intervention of Russia with it tyrants that don´t respect civils Persons to support them strattegic interests related with Syrian regime and it brutality, now with to much forces that change the not balanced powers for them imperial ambition without fight the criminal monster created.

«Putin is the first leader since Stalin to expand Russia’s territory» James R. Clapper, director of national intelligence. «Yes, they will have a cease-fire, but after Aleppo it is finished, (...)They will close off all of Aleppo, destroy the whole area, and then the Russians will negotiate a cease-fire, (...) After winning victory they will negotiate.» said a Person of Aleppo province

Balanced powers could create war or peace, not balanced powers could create peace or war ... by the evil ways of the stupidity of some human beings, a minority that determine the horrible decisions and demential games ... and all wil have the same destiny in Earth ... different of spiritual ways linked to Creator that Love all! Humanity have a long Evolution to will be much more near the Creator ...

«We’re still not at the victory that we want to achieve and will achieve in either Syria or Iraq, and we have seen Daesh playing a game of metastasizing out to other countries, particularly Libya, (...) The last thing in the world you want is a false caliphate with access to billions of dollars of oil revenue. (...) It would help enormously if those who say they are there to fight Daesh fight Daesh»

The monster was created by all players and now the ambiguous games still over the deep will of Humanity ... despite all problems the changes in the relationship between Iran and USA created ways for a better trend to a future peace, probably with a very different map of Syria.

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