domingo, 22 de julho de 2018


Demonstrators against Trump position about Russian tyrany (photo by REUTERS

Trump «traitor in chief» we believe
«Impeach Now»
But how?
To much power gave to representative
Turn Democracy
Catched by olygarchy
And manipulated by tyranny
Said anarchy:
«Vote is the arm of Persons
Don´t vote because You will lost your arm»
For our daugters and sons
We must still after vote with the democratic arm
By a Deep Democracy
Will prevail Liberty
Over oligarchy and tyranny
But how will fall vilan tower?
First of all each vote with the same power
No more presidents with votes of a minority
Second, electoral contrat with rights and duties
Implicate an undercontrol of representatives
By represented with intercalar avaliation of mandates ...
And so on with a strong increasing of represented powers
Trend to a real fall corrupted towers

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