terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017


Venezuela Troops Block Opposition Leader from ParliamentVenezuela Troops Block Opposition Leader from Parliament
Venezuela Troops Block Opposition Leader from Parliament
In 2014, April, Maria Corina Machado, the deputy with more votes, was blocked in her access to her seat in Parliament (Assembleia Nacional) https://en.tempo.co/read/beritafoto/15399/Venezuela-Troops-Block-Opposition-Leader-from-Parliament/3


Opposition win elecciones for Parliament with near 2/3 of representatives (2015)

Chavist dictadura by the control of judicial power stole seats of opposition in Parliament (2016 January)

Chavist dictadura by the control of judicial power stole powers of Parliament (2017 March)

Chavist dictadura create a «new» Parliament (2017 April)

«A la comunidad internacional: 1.Pierden elecciones Parlamentarias, 2.Anulan el Parlamento, 3.Crean su propio "Parlamento". Burdo.Inaceptable» Maria Corina Machado 2017 / 05 / 01 https://twitter.com/MariaCorinaYA/status/859171134725664769

Punch-up in Venezuela parliament

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