sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016


«Encuesta de Ipsos para RCN Radio y Televisión, La F.m. y SEMANA» http://www.semana.com/nacion/galeria/plebisicito-por-la-paz-50-votaran-no/485058

Like referedum for Britain exit of European Union, the plebiscitum about Peace agreament in Colombia would be only yes or not, a simplified question, a binary dimension to much distant of the complexity of the problems engaged in the consult of the opinion of Persons. The complexity of the themes must have a complexity of questions that transcend only a yes or no, like these:

- You agree with the agreement?
- If not you accept a new negotiation?
- What kind of dimensions must be changed?
    - A
    - B
    - C

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