sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2015

Grupo Estado Islâmico mostra em imagens a destruição de Palmira
The daesh (quasi death with the replaced t of thanatus by s of satanas) represent the realization of death drives with its resultants of destruction of Persons and culture of Humanity represented by the art in stone (the problem is not the statue of a lion or a temple if that is enough for tyrants, is Palmira and it Persons under tyranny) ...

Dialectic between AMOR-Life and power-death, between the Creator THEO and the destructor SATANAS

«(...) the hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state» Sigmund Freud «The Ego and the Id»

«(...) opposition between the ego or death instincts and the sexual or life instincts» Sigmund Freud «Beyond the Pleasure Principle», between THANATOS and EROS
«Sleep and Death» Evelyn De Morgan (1883), Hypnos and Thanatos, son of Nyx (Night) and Erebus (Darkness).
«Fall of Lucifer» Gustave Doré, Lucifer LUX FERO, light-bringing, a fallen and ambitious angel with will of power that don´t feel and understood the LOVE of GOD, only have feel power over the world by death and destruction. Linked to Satanas, that mean ADVERSARIUS, malum appellatur, the negation of a dialectical thesis, position.

«How you have fallen from heaven, morning star (Lucifer), son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!» Isaias

The dialectical world represented by evening star and morning star: the planet VENUS of the goddess of AMOR
The planet VENUS,_from_Goddard_Bay.JPG, symbol of LOVE, the morning star and also evening star, is linked also to IESUS, the negation of power and death, by LOVE, lightness and life (LLL), AMOR, LUX ET VITA (ALV), ALVORADA, the birth of the Sun ... (NASA)

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