«The name Dachau is tragically famous as it serves as a model for the concentration camps (...). The memory of that fate fills me with deep sadness and shame.» Chancelor of Germany, August 20, 2013 in a simbolic visit to Dachau camp.
III Reich atrocities over Europe remember us all victims and the deep respect and admiration for all persons that did opposition to the tiranny, ignorance and fanaticism (Germans, English, French, North Americans, Russians, ...) like the Woman and the Man of the photo. God bless them. The human Life and Freedom is sacred!
But the past is present and present will be future, tiranny, ignorance and fanaticism still with many dimensions:
political (so many countries with so many problems, without respect of Liberty; war decisions)
religious (so many persons are victims of religious powers like in the times of Inquisition)
familiar (women, children and elders are the majority victims in families without respect of persons)
criminal nets (Mexico is a sadness example of today without any respect of sacred human Life)
One day Love will rule the world when power will be linked with Love, we will have peace!
In 1992 the British musical group Galliano created the song «Prince of Peace» (Rob Gallagher/Crispin Robinson/Constantine Weir/L.Thomas) and by the voice of Valerie Etienne we can hear:
«Prince of Peace
Want you hear my pray
Ring your bells of peace
And Love ever (...)»
This is a live performance:
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