domingo, 9 de novembro de 2014

Reinos da Península Ibérica nos séculos XV e XVI por Ángel Luis Alfaro (Wikipedia)

"Madrid" ao não apostar na Federação de Estados-Nações está a arriscar que um dia a corda se parta na Catalunha. Quando mais extremada tem sido a posição mais as intenções de voto na independência têm aumentado segundo as sondagens (de 13,6% em 2005 para 45,3% em 2014, CEO). Os erros e vícios dos partidos tradicionais têm sido penalizados (destaca-se o esquerdista PSOE, que agora tenta inverter a tendência) e dado espaço objectivo para novas forças políticas em Espanha.

Teresa Forcades defende um «small is beautiful» para a qualidade da Democracia, como uma das fundamentações para a independência: «Besides the structural link between size and democracy, I see contingent reasons that make me expect that an independent Catalonia will enjoy a better democracy. The “indignados” movement in Spain, which started in 2011, has identified many deficiencies in the country’s democracy: corruption is rampant and not being adequately investigated; the financing of the political parties is not transparent; there is no mechanism to depose political representatives who contradict their political programme and rule against the will of the people who voted for them; people are evicted from their homes by the same banks that profited from the rescue money provided by the European Union (the banks are rescued, the people are not); the health system is being privatised against the will of the majority; rich people pay comparatively less tax than those who are poor; renewable energy is not being developed despite there being enough natural resources and a popular will to do so; and city halls are being stripped of their decision-making power.

Independence for Catalonia is no guarantee that these issues will be resolved, but having to write and approve a new constitution would be a unique opportunity to work towards solutions to these problems in a much more comprehensive and radical way than is possible in an already constituted state.»

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