«The track of Lusitania. View of casualties and survivors in the water and in lifeboats» William Lionel Wyllie (1915)
torpedoed Lusitania
Mary Evans Picture Library
«A warning issued by the Imperial German Embassy in Washington about travelling on Britain's RMS Lusitania» 1915 (Robert Hunt Picture Library) and the submarine warfare zone around the United Kingdom, declared by Germany (1915) Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Lusitania)
«Lusitania Peace Memorial» - Cobh, County Cork, Ireland
«LUSITANIA» was the name of an ocean liner destroyed by a German submarine in 1915. Is an example of a brutal chain of destruction that begining by a casus belli linked to the confusion of Balkans between Austro--Hungarian Empire, Otoman Empire and Russian Empire.
The terrorist act in 1914 at Sarajevo, Condominium of Bosnia and Herzegovina, against Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Este and Sohie, Duchess of Hohenberg triggered a war chain that begun by Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Kingdom of Serbia, supported by Russia. Bosnian Serbs are persecuted by Bosniaks and Bosnian Croats. These are the manifestation of roots linked to XIX century and XX century partition of Otoman Empire.
«Map of military alliances of Europe in 1914» Historicair (Wikipedia) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en
Another kind of roots was a deep net of aliances, the linkages between Russia intervention and Germany intervention. Germans leaders created an autist vision of win Western Front (flancks of France by Belgium and Luxembourg) and after win East Front (Russia). When Germans invaded the neutral Belgium with atrocities, England (United Kingdom) react.
«Map of the Western Front, World War I» The History Department of the United States Military Academy
This is a Russian representation by a poster (2014) of «Triple Entente» allies: France (Marianne with symbol of Love, Charity), Russia (Mother Russia with symbol of Faith) and England (Britannia with symbol of Hope)
Italy (2015), Romania and Portugal (2016), Brazil and United States of America (1917) joined Allied Powers.
The war which for the last two years has been encircling our frontiers more and more closely has shaken the ancient foundations of Europe to their depths.
It has brought the day which has been awaited for centuries by the national conscience, by the founders of the Romanian State, by those who united the principalities in the war of independence, by those responsible for the national renaissance.
It is the day of the union of all branches of our nation. Today we are able to complete the task of our forefathers and to establish forever that which Michael the Great was only able to establish for a moment, namely, a Romanian union on both slopes of the Carpathians.
For us the mountains and plains of Bukowina, where Stephen the Great has slept for centuries. In our moral energy and our valour lie the means of giving him back his birthright of a great and free Rumania from the Tisza to the Black Sea, and to prosper in peace in accordance with our customs and our hopes and dreams.
Animated by the holy duty imposed upon us, and determined to bear manfully all the sacrifices inseparable from an arduous war, we will march into battle with the irresistible élan of a people firmly confident in its destiny. The glorious fruits of victory shall be our reward.
Forward, with the help of God!
The war which for the last two years has been encircling our frontiers more and more closely has shaken the ancient foundations of Europe to their depths.
It has brought the day which has been awaited for centuries by the national conscience, by the founders of the Romanian State, by those who united the principalities in the war of independence, by those responsible for the national renaissance.
It is the day of the union of all branches of our nation. Today we are able to complete the task of our forefathers and to establish forever that which Michael the Great was only able to establish for a moment, namely, a Romanian union on both slopes of the Carpathians.
For us the mountains and plains of Bukowina, where Stephen the Great has slept for centuries. In our moral energy and our valour lie the means of giving him back his birthright of a great and free Rumania from the Tisza to the Black Sea, and to prosper in peace in accordance with our customs and our hopes and dreams.
Animated by the holy duty imposed upon us, and determined to bear manfully all the sacrifices inseparable from an arduous war, we will march into battle with the irresistible élan of a people firmly confident in its destiny. The glorious fruits of victory shall be our reward.
Forward, with the help of God!
Proclamation by King Ferdinand, 28 August 1916, son of Infanta Antónia of Portugal, daughter of Maria II Queen of Portugal and Ferdinand II King consort of Portugal
Antonia de Bragança e Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha by Philip de Laszlo, 1907
«British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente. Based on earlier cartoon in Punch magazine.» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WWI_Poster_Rumania.jpg
What King Ferdinand said it´s about Transylvania occupied by Austro-Hungarian Empire that turned for Romania Kingdom in the end of war.
«Distribution of Romanian majorities in the Kingdom of Hungay, according to the 1890 census» Scooter 20 (Wikipedia)
Romania since 1881 by Maartenvdbent and Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (Wikipedia)
Step by step the majority of countries and colonies was envolved by a chain of linkages:
«Map of the World showing the participants in World War I:
Entente and Allies (some entered the war or dropped out later)
Central Powers
Neutral Countries»Thomashwang (Wikipedia) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
British Hospital at western front
«My international connections are due of my work as a dancer, nothing else .... Because I really did not spy, it is terrible that I cannot defend myself.» Margaretha Geertruida "M'greet" Zelle MacLeod (1917), another kind of victim of the stupid war, between the poles of the monster, the bellic conflict. Raymond Poincaré, a conservative leader, President of French Republique, denied the clemency request. He was a laywer elected President in 1913, with strong anti German policies, support links with Russia, that attracted war with Germany. «After the First World War, "Poincarism" refers to his support of business and financial interests.» Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Poincar%C3%A9, source: « J. F. V. Keiger, Raymond Poincaré (Cambridge University Press, 2002) p126». A politician of combustible to fire, without respect to Persons. He was a war supporter, a politician responsable also for the monstruosity. In that man clemency for a Person don´t exist. Human Beings must libberate from that kind of politicians that rule determinant decisions about Persons!
Another victim was a Portuguese soldier accused of the same: help Germans, because said that will help Germans. Portuguese Republic was a disaster for Portugal over other disaster (Monarchy) that created another monster: the Autocracy between 1926 and 1975. Only in 1975 Portugal have free elections!
The world war was a great disaster for Humanity, for Persons, for Europe, for Germany, for France, for Russia, for Austria, for Portugal! After a strong failure Germany and Austria were implicated again 21 years later in a second world war by monstruous leaders, with the support of the great monster Stalin. France was occupied by brutal nazism. Raymond Poincaré was not there to see him contribute to the horrible time ... humanimal force generate humanimal force, Divine and Human Love generate Love!
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