sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013


The Portuguese companies with Portuguese or not Portuguese shareholders win market shares of imports in the follow European Union Countries in 2012, with salience to LATIN World (see please the EUROSTAT data support in our message «EXPORTAÇÕES V - EXPORTATIO V - EXPORTS V):

- Romania (Romania - Roménia) +15,8% (0,49% / 0,42%)
- Italia (Italy - Itália) +14,9% (0,45% / 0,39%)
- France (France - França) +1,3% (1,02% / 1,01%)
- Belgique (Belgium -Bélgica) +1,3% (0,41% / 0,40%)
- Nederland (Netherlands - Holanda) +5,8% (0,41% / 0,39%)
- Danmark (Denmark - Dinamarca) +6,3% (0,42% / 0,39%)
- Sverige (Sweden - Suécia) +5,3% (0,37% / 0,35%)
- Éire (Ireland - Irlanda) +4,8% (0,28% / 0,27%)
Ελλάδα (Greece - Grécia) +70,1% (0,58% / 0,34%)
- Slovenia - Eslovénia) +48,7% (0.15% / 0,10%)
Magyarország (Hungary - Hungria) +24,3% (0,21% / 0,17%)
- Česko (Czechia - Chéquia) +13,9% (0,30% / 0,26%)
- Österreich (Austria - Áustria) +7,2% (0,18% / 0,17%)

With the decrease in the market shares of Spanish (-0,1%, 3,94% / 3,95%), British (-2,4%, 0,45% /0,46%) and German (-5%, 0,61% / 0,64%) imports, the resultant in European Union market share was a very low decrease (-0,6%, 0,71% / 0,72%).

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