segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2018


Camila Moreno Foto: Captura de Instagram @josebaezg
 From Colombia come a very good example of Deep Democracy with "Consulta Popular Anticorrupción": yesterday 11,7 millions of Persons vote against corruption! Despite the minimum limit of 12,1 millions for juridic force, the result have a great political force, with a more support than President of Republic in secons round of election (10,4 milions of votes), without minimum limits.

All of that with a lot of difficulties like the need of registration of Persons for vote, because oligarchy don´t support the consult in the same time of Presidential Eleccions ... today oligarchy hidden the historical event in mass media ...

Colombia that is in front line to support the brutal implications of tyranny in Venezuela, must be liberated from corruption for realize it great potential of Development

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