NEGLIGENTIA means «not to pick up something».
Seems that Lufthansa Group did a not tolerable negligence about what happened in German Wings flight (
Germany have a great capacity to plan and manufacturing metallic equipments, from it roots in XIX century and XX century. The great war of 1939-1945 gave to Germany not only the horrible environment before and along, but also after the stupid war (created by stupid German tyrants), with millions of Persons destroyed in all dimensions. The strong support of the United States of America, United Kingdom and France after the errors of the post first world war and with the threats of the tyrants of USSR, and the great labour of German Persons, EEC and European Union, gave the actual power that Germany have. But the problem of Germany that don´t have Latin dimensions (exists Germany with Latin dimensions) is not hardware but software, is not material dimensions but spiritual dimensions, is not human inteligence but Human sensibility and personality as a resultant, is not planification but improvision, is not rigiddity but flexibility, is not standardization but creativity, is not Nacionality but Universality et cetera
The calamity with German Wings of Lufthansa, we knew after have also treason and negligence and manifests deep problems, as these:
- division of powers (intolerable that a copilot could have for moments all the control of a aircraft);
- badly reaction to external terrorism create vulnerabilities for internal terroorism;
- proactivity to prevent threats (intolerable that phisical conditions have more importance than Human conditions);
- as a resultant, signals of risk are not considered!
The victims are victims of a tyrant, but also of a bad cultural system that must be much more different!
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